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Enhancing Implant Outcomes with Photobiomodulation

Taking the Guess work out of your implant surgery using Photobiomodulation and assessing implant stability. On average, more than 90% of dental implants are successful. But that’s an average success rate that may or may not hold true for each patient, each implant and each case, so success is not guaranteed. A failed dental implant can be agonizing for everyone involved. With today’s new and innovative techniques, most notably the use of Photobiomodulation, reductions in treatment times and opportunities to treat patients with risk factors to have successful implant therapy have improved significantly. But correctly assessing implant stability and osseointegration is still a challenge for both regular and mini dental implants.

This course will cover the science behind Photobiomodulation and use of the PBM Implant device and two commercial devices to enhance healing and measure regular and mini dental implant success.

Why use PBM Implant?

  1. Decrease pain associated with implant surgery

  2. Improve bone grafting consolidation

  3. Enhance implant stability

  4. Maximize person’s biology to enhance healing

  5. Maintain long term soft and hard tissue health

  6. Works with any implant system and bone grafting material


Why use an Osstell Mentor and PerioTest device ?

The Osstell and PerioTest devices both provide better diagnostics in the form of objective measurement of implant stability levels which can help clinicians to provide safe and predictable implant procedures for all patients.  


Dr Alan Kwong Hing , DDS

Dr. Alan “Al” Kwong Hing the Founder of PBM Healing, graduated with his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree (with distinction) from the University of Western Ontario. He received the University Gold Medal and completed a concurrent master’s degree in Pathology. Dr. Al has earned multiple other degrees and received numerous awards including the pre–Doctoral IADR Hatton award for his research on MRI’s. A serial entrepreneur he has had a diverse career as a solo dentist and owner of a large multi-dental groups in Canada as well as in the UK and US. He has owned dental labs and specialized orthodontic labs, a dental model’s company and as well a company that manufactured orthodontic wires and accessories.

He was a KOL for NobelBiocare for many years and worked with the team to develop the NobelBiocare Replace Implant. He ran a dental mini residency to train dentists and their team in dental implant surgery and restorative procedures. He has placed over 30,000 dental implants and most notably completed over 2,000 ALL on 4 procedures.

He enjoys lecturing around the world with a focus on application of Photobiomodulation in medicine and dentistry. Most notably is the application of PBM principles in the medical and dental devices that he has developed to help alleviate pain and enhance healing.


Date:  December 8th, 2022

  • Time:  9AM-12PM (GMT +9)

  • Duration: 3 hours (including Q & A)

  • Participation fee: FREE

  • Language: English (with Japanese translation)

  • Location: ZOOM